A closing ceremony with the delivery of certificates of completion.
  BP 510. Elig-Effa Yaound�, Cameroun
  (237) 222 23 09 44 / (237) 222 22 18 16

From July 22 to 29, the National Advanced School of Public Works has participated in the 12th edition of the Government Action Fair at the Palais Polyvalent des Sports in Yaounde.th édition du Salon de l’Action Gouvernementale au Palais Polyvalent des Sports de Yaoundé.

Placed under the theme "Development of infrastructures and structural transformation of the Cameroonian economy", the NASPW once again revealed its know-how through the exhibition of several models of students offering Architecture, construction demonstrations by those of Civil Engineering, projects in Environmental Engineering and the presentation of work material in Topography and Survey.

The day after the opening ceremony, the “Construction Careers Day”, organized on Tuesday 25, is dedicated to the NASPW and hosted by students offering Civil Engineering, Architecture, Topography and Survey. “Innovation Day” organized on Thursday 27 will also be dedicated to him. It is hosted by students offering Environmental Engineering through the exhibition of their projects and a demonstration of earth painting by a Civil Engineering student.

« Journée de l’innovation » organisée le jeudi 27 lui sera également dédiée. Elle est animée par les étudiants de la filière Génie de l’Environnement à travers l’exposition des leurs projets et une démonstration de la peinture en terre par un étudiant en Génie Civil.

Saturday July 29 marks the closing of the SAGO, a ceremony attended by the Director of NASPW Pr. NKENG George ELAMBO and the Head of the Administrative and Financial Department Mr. POUTOUONCHI Abdou Karim.

Visit of the NASPW stand by the authorities

Presentation to the authorities of the works of students in Topography and Survey by a student of the said discipline

Presentation to the authorities of the works of Architecture students by a student of the said discipline

Visit of the NASPW stand by the public

The Director of NASPW Pr. NKENG George ELAMBO at the microphone of CRTV

View 01: Family photo of NASPW

View 02: Family photo of NASPW

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