A closing ceremony with the delivery of certificates of completion.
  BP 510. Elig-Effa Yaound�, Cameroun
  (237) 222 23 09 44 / (237) 222 22 18 16

From January 11 to 12, 2022, the Director of the National Advanced School of Public Works Pr. NKENG George ELAMBO, the Deputy Director of the NASPW Dr. BWEMBA Charles, the heads of departments and other officials of the NASPW attended as required tradition at the annual conference of the Ministry of Public Works financial year 2022 by visioconference. A conference during which the Minister of Public Works Emmanuel NGANOU DJOUMESSI instructed the strict respect of the roadmap for the new year.
 Under the chairmanship of the Minister of Public Works, the objective of this annual meeting which brings together all the heads of the central services, those of the decentralized services and those of the organizations under supervision, was to take stock of the 2021 financial year, to identify the shortcomings of the previous financial year, to adopt better approaches to meet the main challenges and constraints listed in the performance of services for the 2022 financial year.

First day: January 11, 2022

In the first presentation, it was a question of laying the groundwork for the exercise which begins with the operationalization of the new earth road maintenance strategy; technical support for decentralized local authorities for better functionality of crossing ferries; and improving technical governance in the implementation of infrastructure projects.

The second presentation aimed to provide the responsible actors in charge of the ferries with the tools enabling them to master the different stages of the design projects for the rehabilitation, installation, implementation, operation and maintenance of the crossing ferries.
 Updates on the state of the road network, structures and crossings with an emphasis on critical bridges; the situation of the contracts in progress and the points on the agreements in progress in the regions were discussed by the various Regional Delegates.

Last day: January 12, 2022

Ces travaux vont s’achever par les points suivants : l’état du réseau routier, des ouvrages d’art et des ouvrages de franchissement de la région avec une emphase sur les points critiques ;  les contrats en cours d’exécution dans les régions ; les conventions en cours. Les régions concernées par cet examen sont celles du Sud, du Littoral, du Nord-Ouest, de l’Ouest et du Sud-Ouest.
The Minister of Public Works Emmanuel NGANOU DJOUMESSI
NASPW officials
NASPW officials
A view of a power point during a presentation
The Director of the NASPW Pr. NKENG George ELAMBO
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