A closing ceremony with the delivery of certificates of completion.
  BP 510. Elig-Effa Yaound�, Cameroun
  (237) 222 23 09 44 / (237) 222 22 18 16

The National Advanced School of Public Works took part in the traditional parade relating to the National Unity Day on the theme: "Defense forces and Cameroonian people, in symbiosis for the safeguard of peace and national unity, base of a strong and prosperous Cameroon" at the 20th May Boulevard.

Adorned with chasubles and helmets symbolizing their status as engineering students, they demonstrated a remarkable and imposing passage through synchronized steps and arms.


- Dr. AMOUGOU Lucien (Head of Discipline Department)

- Mr. NEMBE II Zacharie Pierre (Head of the Sports and Culture Unit)

- Mrs. EKE BISSONO Marthe Virginie (NASPW teacher)

- Mr. ATANGANA Guy (NASPW teacher)

- Mrs. BILOA Isabelle (NASPW teacher)

- Mr. ATEBA OYONO (NASPW teacher)

- Mrs. MALLE Carole (NASPW teacher)

View 01: Group photo of the students before the parade

View 02: Supervisors and students before the parade

View 03: Students in the rows before the beginning of the parade

From the left to the right Mr. ATEBA OYONO, Mrs. EKE BISSONO Marthe Virginie and Mr. NEMBE II Zacharie Pierre

The students making their way to the podium

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