A closing ceremony with the delivery of certificates of completion.
  BP 510. Elig-Effa Yaound�, Cameroun
  (237) 222 23 09 44 / (237) 222 22 18 16

Presentation of the University Cooperation
The internationalization of higher education organizations is a recent phenomenon promoted by the "World Declaration on Higher Education for the 21st Century" and the "Framework for Priority Action for Change and Development of Higher Education". Promoted in 1998, these texts promote international cooperation and exchange as instruments for strengthening and developing better quality education for all.

In Africa, as in many developing countries, higher education has been considered for more than 30 years as the poor relation of education and training. And so it is only at the beginning of the 21st century, with the advent of the knowledge society, that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) will return to the forefront.

Western universities are also affected by a wind of renewal. The beginning of the 2000s is marked for European HEIs by the convergence towards the same university system known as the "Bologna Process". In addition, the international dimension is promoted as an indicator of the quality of teaching and research, leading institutions to develop real internationalization strategies.

It is in this context of change and openness that the cooperation between the University of Padua and the National Advanced School of Public Works will be launched. Thus, it is in 2010, that the two institutions will sign their first cooperation agreement with the general objective of enriching the development potential of Cameroon by training young engineers qualified in Engineering Sciences. The two institutions agree on the following specific objectives:

Consolidate the training programs of the NASPW by attaching them to the LMD system
Design new ways of admitting Cameroonian candidates to NASPW
Update the training programs offered by the NASPW so that they are worthy of an engineering training institute

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Presentation of the University Cooperation
The internationalization of higher education organizations is a recent phenomenon promoted by the "World Declaration on Higher Education for the 21st Century" and the "Framework for Priority Action for Change and Development of Higher Education". Promoted in 1998, these texts promote international cooperation and exchange as instruments for strengthening and developing better quality education for all.

In Africa, as in many developing countries, higher education has been considered for more than 30 years as the poor relation of education and training. And so it is only at the beginning of the 21st century, with the advent of the knowledge society, that Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) will return to the forefront.

Western universities are also affected by a wind of renewal. The beginning of the 2000s is marked for European HEIs by the convergence towards the same university system known as the "Bologna Process". In addition, the international dimension is promoted as an indicator of the quality of teaching and research, leading institutions to develop real internationalization strategies.

It is in this context of change and openness that the cooperation between the University of Padua and the National Advanced School of Public Works will be launched. Thus, it is in 2010, that the two institutions will sign their first cooperation agreement with the general objective of enriching the development potential of Cameroon by training young engineers qualified in Engineering Sciences. The two institutions agree on the following specific objectives:

Consolidate the training programs of the NASPW by attaching them to the LMD system
Design new ways of admitting Cameroonian candidates to NASPW
Update the training programs offered by the NASPW so that they are worthy of an engineering training institute

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