Tuesday January 7, 2020, students from the National Advanced School of Public Works (NASPW) of Yaounde benefited from a donation of nearly 500 books offered by a former student of the NASPW Mr. MBOG Noé ADOLIN.en étudiant de l’ENSTP Monsieur MBOG Noé ADOLIN.
The Director of the NASPW Pr. NKENG George ELAMBO, the Deputy Director Dr. BWEMBA Charles, the Head of the Financial Affairs Department Mr. POUTOUONCHI ABDOU Karim, teachers, members of the administrative staff, and students took part in this ceremony organized at the amphitheater 100 of the NASPW.
Donor Mr. MBOG Noé Adolin during his speech
From the left to the right, Dr. AMOUGOU Lucien and Mr. NGATI PIVAGA
Some members of the administrative staff
Some students and the Library Manager Mrs. NGO MAHOT Nadine
Some NASPW students
NASPW Director Pr. NKENG George ELAMBO during his speech
Handing-over of the gifts to the donor Mr. MBOG Noé Adolin and to other members of his delegation Mrs. Émilie Aurore SONGOLO and to Colonel Ruben BIACK by the Director of the NASPW
The Director of the NASPW
The donor