The Girls’ Association of the National Advanced School of Public Works (GANASPW) of Yaounde has organized its General Assembly on Wednesday, June 23, 2021 at the amphitheater 100 of the NASPW
For the occasion, a conference on "The application of artificial intelligence in the field of Public Works" has been organized. For more than an hour, participants were equipped on the workings of artificial intelligence, particularly in the field of engineering.
During this conference, several points have been raised:
- All of the NASPW’s fields are centered on artificial intelligence;
- The cost of artificial intelligence is extremely high;
- For there to be artificial intelligence, we need verifiable, observable, quantifiable data, which is then transmitted to a machine that will execute it;
- The machine is made intelligent by three methods: supervised learning, unsupervised learning and reinforcement learning;
- The needs to be met before the application of artificial intelligence: the volume of data, the variety of data, the speed of the execution machines and the veracity of the data;
- Talking about artificial intelligence requires: suitable training in the field, data collection (own data), collaboration between the trades, and the acquisition of machines efficient enough to contain this data.
A panel made up of:
- Pr. NKENG George ELAMBO (Director - NASPW)
- Mr. KADJI Innocent (Director - IT Unit at the MPW)
- KACDEU Baudoin (Civil Engineer)
- SONNA Belona (Manager, Founder of BEL’S AI Initiative - Importance of artificial intelligence in Public Works, methods to be used to have ethical solutions that suit Cameroonian society)
- NJAMI Dorian (Promoter AFRIQEDU - Independent researcher in new pedagogies, Promoter of AfriqEdu - Urgency of artificial intelligence in the PWB)
Urgence de l’intelligence artificielle dans le BTP) - HOT André (Director of Development for Central and West Africa at Aivancity (School of artificial intelligence in Paris) Speaker / Architect
This General Assembly ended with the handover between incoming President MANTO SOB Carole and outgoing AGHA Esthelyne. The outgoing office took stock of the activities carried out during the fiscal year 2020 - 2021. The incoming bureau has presented its action plan for the current academic year.