A closing ceremony with the delivery of certificates of completion.
  BP 510. Elig-Effa Yaound�, Cameroun
  (237) 222 23 09 44 / (237) 222 22 18 16

Thursday December 20, 2018, the Festi Christmas was closed with a ceremony marked by finals in table tennis, tennis, dance competition, and the singing competition, under the watchful eye of the Director of the National Advanced School of Public Works Pr. NKENG George ELAMBO and several Administrative staff. Rewards were awarded to the recipients.

Word from the Director of NASPW

During his speeches at the beginning and at the end of the Festi Christmas ceremony, the Director of the NASPW Pr. NKENG George ELAMBO, among others, congratulated the students for their dynamism and dedication during the University Festival of Arts and Culture (UFAC) and for the smooth running of the Festi Christmas

The Christmas tree Noël and the crib of the NASPW

Final of table tennis

The Director of the NASPW and the administrative staff during the Closing Ceremony of the Festi Christmas Noël

Reward awarded to the winner of the men‘s table tennis by the Director of the NASPW Pr. NKENG George ELAMBO

Reward awarded to the winner of the singing contest by Pr. MADJA

Reward awarded by Dr. NZENDA

Reward awarded in the women's Tennis by Dr. ABA NKASSE

Recipients overall picture


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